If you are an Entrepreneur, odds are at some point you were interested in seeking an Investment Partner for your business. Entrepreneurs benefit from Investment Partnerships with more than just injections of capital. Normally, Investment Partners bring business expertise and professional contacts as well. Entrepreneurs face major challenges finding appropriate investors who are inclined to review Entrepreneurs' business proposals and provide funding. In fact, it's such a 'rare' and 'interesting' phenomenon that there are now several TV shows like Shark Tank that focus on the initial investment meetings of Entrepreneurs and Investors. Those programs select Entrepreneurs based on how good their pitch will look on TV, not on the merits of their businesses. Further, those Entrepreneurs have LIMITED OPTIONS because they must partner with a 'hand-picked' group of five greedy Investors when the world has many more of business investors with the capital and expertise to take their businesses to the next level quickly and easily. This is why we're creating a venue that connects Entrepreneurs and Investors. We envision ABC TALKS as a Social Network that facilitates matches between Entrepreneurs and appropriate Investors. Here, Investors have the opportunity to promote their skills, background, and project history as they see fit, protecting their personal identity during the initial stages of communication with Entrepreneurs.